Pedagogical Approach
Our symbol reflects the interrelationship between the individual en its environment, not only the social and cultural influences on the individual, but also the individual’s agency on its environment and how this relationship is crucial to embrace change and innovation.
The vesica, the interception of the 2 circles represents:
- the social character of meaning-making
- mediational natural of learning
- the social situation of development
- collaboration, creativity and connection
Agency is an important concept for S4L, it’s viewed as a capacity that is developed in a dialogical context. Individual agency is an attribute that is acquired socially.
The “Meaning-making” method
The focus of learning is on creating meanings, in a nurture environment that invites children to discover and explore the world for themselves through their own experience.
Adults as part of the environment, their role is a mediational one. Adults are children’s role models. In the “Meaning-making” method
the adult’s task is to learn together with the children, to observe them, acknowledge their motives, interests and agency and ultimately form a community of practice with the children.
The child is seen as an active cultural agent
Children are unique and able to create their own meanings, develop their skills through exploration, self-expression and collaborations with adults and peers.
The importance of the environment
The child born vulnerable; she/he needs an adult to survive. It’s in a positive learning environment where the child is going to thrive. On a societal level we aim to create a collective social situation of development; which implies recognising the importance of organisations to promote change, innovation and development.
A new view of learning/teaching, a new learning paradigm
Conventional views of learning/teaching focuses on cognitivism, the importance of mental processes. On the other hand, ‘meaning-making’, focuses on the whole child and its environment and see the child within his/her environment in a mutual interrelationship.
Therefore, S4L pedagogical approach focuses on:
- to provide tools to enhance parents’ capabilities (knowledge, skills and understanding)
- we aim to provide learning opportunities to encourage the right and left brain’s development- that are meaningful.
- recognising children’s own motives and interest
- tailoring play activities to meet children’s needs
- creating a balance child-led and adult-led learning opportunities
- to create positive learning/nurturing environments, to create and envisage learning opportunities, to give children the opportunity to create his own meanings.